Our women of Avcon Jet during the Women of Avition Week

Women of Aviation Week is a globally recognized event in the aviation industry, commemorating the anniversary of the world’s first female pilot license, earned on March 8, 1910, by French aviator Raymonde de Laroche. Her groundbreaking achievement marked a new era, opening doors for women to formally join the field of aviation

Women of Aviation Week: Celebrating the Women of Avcon Jet Read More »

In 2023, Avcon Jet made great strides with many noteworthy achievements. From the establishment of two new offices to the launch of new sustainability.

2023 in Review Read More »

A woman in a forest taking in it.

We take our responsibility for sustainability seriously and strive to become an industry leader in the standards we set. Read More

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A pilot inspecting the underside of a wing to ready the business jet for takeoff.

Though we have grown immensely, we have stayed true to our principles. Our promise is to always uphold the values that set us apart. Read More

Our Promise Read More »

The nose of a Gulfstream business jet from the front.

We operate more than 100 aircraft worldwide covering the entire spectrum of business jet models. Read More

Our Fleet Read More »

Tail section of a business jet from behind.

Your jet – our business. Enjoy the benefits of owning your own private jet without having to deal with all the stress of the logistics. Read More

Jet Management Read More »